Our Anchor Point Georgia staff is a remarkable team of professionals who blend their expertise with unwavering compassion. Each member of our staff brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to their roles, ensuring that our patients receive the highest level of care and support. Their dedication to professionalism is evident in every interaction, as they go above and beyond to meet the unique needs of every individual they serve. With hearts full of compassion, they provide not only expert guidance but also a comforting presence that makes a meaningful difference in the lives of those we assist.
Our counselors and therapists at Anchor⚓Point have many years of experience providing expert care and support to the East Metro Atlanta, Conyers, and Covington areas.
Susan A. Sendelbach, M. A., D. Min.
James P.B. Sendelbach, Ed.D., LPC

M.J. Kassam, M.D., Medical Director